The 4th Conference of Silk Road Forensic Consortium (SRFC)
October 20-21, 2019
Kunming, China
The 4th Conference of Silk Road Forensic Consortium, 2019, which will be held on October 20-21, 2019 in Kunming, China. We encourage paper writers, panel presenters, book authors, and PhD students researching DNA applications, Forensic Evidence, Standards & Education in Forensics to submit their work to
Preliminary Topics (Call for Presentation & Poster Abstracts):
DNA Applications
Forensic evidence
Forensic education
Forensic standards
Forensic insights & challenges
Awards: A number of best Presentation and Poster awards will be given to recognize excellent contributions, including best Abstracts award, best thematic award, best service award, best reviewer awards, best PhD paper submission award, etc. Some of the original and excellent abstracts will be published on the journal of Xi’an JiaoTong University.
Abstracts submission
-Please submit your abstract to no later than August 31, 2019.
(EasyChair instructions for Authors)
-Abstracts need to follow the submission guidelines (see below).
-The best abstracts from the conference will be recommended to extend to full papers and publish on the journal, Giga Science (with impact factor 7.463), under the title as a special issue for Investigation, Forensic Evidence (DNA etc.), Justice & Education in Forensics.
Submission Guidelines
Manuscripts must be prepared using Microsoft Word and submitted electronically. Use double line spacing and page numbering.
Maximum length of the abstract is 250 words in total. In addition provide three to six keywords:
Material and Methods(mandatory)
Discussions(if applicable)