
Please note that all presenters and participants must register to attend the conference.

Registration fees*

Online Registration Deadline – September 31, 2019

Registration Fee

There are special prices for groups available. For further information please contact .


The early bird and registration fee include reception, and conference dinner. Conference registration does not include accommodation or travel costs.


Payment must be made before the deadlines outlined in Registration Fee (above).


Any questions regarding the invoice and the invitation letter should be directed to after the payment is made.

Cancellation/ Refund Policy

All cancellations must be notified by e-mail to the Conference Chair. The following conditions will be applied:

Reimbursement will be processed after the conference.



Questions regarding payment should be directed to


Wire Transfer

The following information must be sent to after the wire transfer is made.

1. Payer's Name

2. Affiliation/Organization

3. Amount & Currency

4. Payment Date